US man sentenced to 4 years in prison for his role in Infraud scheme

A man from New York was sentenced to four years in prison for trading stolen credit card data and assisting the Infraud Organization. John Telusma (aka ‘Peterelliot’), a New... Read more »

Experts believe that Russian Gamaredon APT could fuel a new round of DDoS attacks

360 Qihoo reported DDoS attacks launched by APT-C-53 (aka Gamaredon) conducted through the open-source DDoS Trojan program LOIC. Researchers at 360 Qihoo observed a wave of DDoS attacks launched by Russia-linked APT-C-53... Read more »

The strange link between Industrial Spy and the Cuba ransomware operation

The recently launched Industrial Spy data extortion marketplace has now started its ransomware operation. In April, Malware HunterTeam and Bleeping Computer reported the launch of a new dark web marketplace... Read more »

Reuters: Russia-linked APT behind Brexit leak website

Russia-linked threat actors are behind a new website that published leaked emails from leading proponents of Britain’s exit from the EU, the Reuters reported. According to a Google cybersecurity... Read more »

GitHub: Nearly 100,000 NPM Users’ credentials stolen in the April OAuth token attack

GitHub provided additional details into the theft of its integration OAuth tokens that occurred in April, with nearly 100,000 NPM users’ credentials. GitHub provided additional details about the incident that suffered... Read more »

Android pre-installed apps are affected by high-severity vulnerabilities

Microsoft found several high-severity vulnerabilities in a mobile framework used in pre-installed Android System apps. The Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team discovered four vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-42598, CVE-2021-42599, CVE-2021-42600, and CVE-2021-42601) in a mobile... Read more »

GhostTouch: how to remotely control touchscreens with EMI

Security researchers devised a technique, dubbed GhostTouch, to remotely control touchscreens using electromagnetic signals. A team of researchers from Zhejiang University and Technical University of Darmstadt devised a technique, dubbed... Read more »

FBI: Compromised US academic credentials available on various cybercrime forums

The FBI warns organizations in the higher education sector of credentials sold on cybercrime forums that can allow threat actors to access their networks. The FBI issued an alert... Read more »

ERMAC 2.0 Android Banking Trojan targets over 400 apps

A new version of the ERMAC Android banking trojan is able to target an increased number of apps. The ERMAC Android banking trojan version 2.0 can target an increasing... Read more »

Experts released PoC exploit code for critical VMware CVE-2022-22972 flaw

Security researchers released PoC exploit code for the critical authentication bypass vulnerability CVE-2022-22972 affecting multiple VMware products. Horizon3 security researchers have released a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit and technical analysis for the critical... Read more »
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