Ransomware payments rose from $449.1 million to $459.8 million

Blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis revealed that ransomware payments rose by approximately 2%, from $449.1 million to $459.8 million. Blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis revealed that while overall on-chain illicit activity... Read more »

Previously unseen Msupedge backdoor targeted a university in Taiwan

Experts spotted a previously undetected backdoor, dubbed Msupedge, that was employed in an attack against a university in Taiwan.  Broadcom Symantec researchers discovered a previously undetected backdoor, called Msupedge,... Read more »

Oracle NetSuite misconfiguration could lead to data exposure

Researchers discovered thousands of Oracle NetSuite e-stores that are vulnerable to data leak, sensitive customer information is at risk. Cybersecurity researchers from AppOmni warn of a potential issue in... Read more »

Toyota disclosed a data breach after ZeroSevenGroup leaked stolen data on a cybercrime forum

Toyota has confirmed a data breach after a threat actor leaked 240GB of data stolen from its infrastructure on a cybercrime forum. Toyota disclosed a data breach after a... Read more »

CISA adds Jenkins Command Line Interface (CLI) bug to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog

U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) adds a Jenkins Command Line Interface (CLI) bug to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) added... Read more »

Researchers uncovered new infrastructure linked to the cybercrime group FIN7

Team Cymru, Silent Push and Stark Industries Solutions researchers uncovered a new infrastructure linked to the cybercrime group FIN7. Researchers from Team Cymru identified two clusters potentially linked to... Read more »

Experts warn of exploit attempt for Ivanti vTM bug

Researchers at the Shadowserver Foundation observed an exploit attempt based on the public PoC for Ivanti vTM bug CVE-2024-7593. Researchers at the Shadowserver Foundation observed an exploit attempt based... Read more »

Microsoft Zero-Day CVE-2024-38193 was exploited by North Korea-linked Lazarus APT

Microsoft addressed a zero-day vulnerability actively exploited by the North-Korea-linked Lazarus APT group. Microsoft has addressed a zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-38193 (CVSS score: 7.8), which has been exploited by the... Read more »

The Mad Liberator ransomware group uses social-engineering techniques

New cybercrime group Mad Liberator is targeting AnyDesk users and runs a fake Microsoft Windows update screen to conceal data exfiltrating. The Sophos X-Ops Incident Response team warned that a... Read more »

From 2018: DeepMasterPrints: deceive fingerprint recognition systems with MasterPrints generated with GANs

Boffins demonstrated the vulnerability of fingerprint recognition systems to dictionary attacks using ‘MasterPrints, ‘which are fingerprints that can match multiple other prints. A team of researchers from US universities... Read more »
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