Cisco fixes 3 high-severity DoS flaws in NX-OS and FXOS software

Cisco addressed three high-severity flaws in NX-OS and FXOS software that could cause denial-of-service (DoS) conditions. Cisco this week addressed multiple flaws in its products, including three high-severity flaws... Read more »

Cloud and hosting provider Leaseweb took down critical systems after a cyber attack

The cloud and hosting provider Leaseweb suffered a security breach that impacted some “critical” systems of the company. Global hosting and cloud services provider Leaseweb has disabled some “critical”... Read more »

French employment agency Pôle emploi data breach impacted 10M people

Pôle emploi, the French government employment agency suffered a data breach that impacted 10 million individuals. The French government employment agency Pôle emploi suffered a data breach and is notifying... Read more »

Crypto investor data exposed by a SIM swapping attack against a Kroll employee

Security consulting giant Kroll disclosed a data breach resulting from a SIM-swapping attack against one of its employees. Security consulting firm Kroll revealed that a SIM-swapping attack against one of its employees... Read more »

China-linked Flax Typhoon APT targets Taiwan

China-linked APT group Flax Typhoon targeted dozens of organizations in Taiwan as part of a suspected espionage campaign. Microsoft linked the Chinese APT Flax Typhoon (aka Ethereal Panda) to... Read more »

Whiffy Recon malware triangulates the position of infected systems via Wi-Fi

Experts observed the SmokeLoader malware delivering a new Wi-Fi scanning malware strain dubbed Whiffy Recon. Secureworks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) researchers observed the Smoke Loader botnet dropping a new Wi-Fi... Read more »

FBI: Patches for Barracuda ESG Zero-Day CVE-2023-2868 are ineffective

The FBI warned that patches for a critical Barracuda ESG flaw CVE-2023-2868 are “ineffective” and patched appliances are still being hacked. The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned that security... Read more »

Researchers released PoC exploit for Ivanti Sentry flaw CVE-2023-38035

Proof-of-concept exploit code for critical Ivanti Sentry authentication bypass flaw CVE-2023-38035 has been released. Researchers released a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for critical Ivanti Sentry authentication bypass vulnerability CVE-2023-38035... Read more »

Lazarus APT exploits Zoho ManageEngine flaw to target an Internet backbone infrastructure provider

The North Korea-linked Lazarus group exploits a critical flaw in Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus to deliver the QuiteRAT malware. The North Korea-linked APT group Lazarus has been exploiting a... Read more »

Lapsus$ member has been convicted of having hacked multiple high-profile companies

An 18-year-old member of the Lapsus$ gang has been convicted of having helped hack multiple high-profile companies. A teenage member of the Lapsus$ data extortion group, Arion Kurtaj (18), was... Read more »
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