DinodasRAT Linux variant targets users worldwide

A Linux variant of the DinodasRAT backdoor used in attacks against users in China, Taiwan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, researchers from Kaspersky warn.

Researchers from Kaspersky uncovered a Linux version of a multi-platform backdoor DinodasRAT that was employed in attacks targeting China, Taiwan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.

DinodasRAT (aka XDealer) is written in C++ and supports a broad range of capabilities to spy on users and steal sensitive data from a target’s system. ESET researchers reported that a Windows version of DinodasRAT was used in attacks against government entities in Guyana.

ESET first discovered a new Linux version of DinodasRAT in October 2023, but experts believe it has been active since 2022.

In March 2024, Trend Micro researchers uncovered a sophisticated campaign conducted by a threat actor tracked as Earth Krahang while investigating the activity of China-linked APT Earth Lusca

The campaign seems active since at least early 2022 and focuses primarily on government organizations.

Since 2023, the Earth Krahang shifted to another backdoor (named XDealer by TeamT5 and DinodasRAT by ESET). Compared to RESHELL, XDealer provides more comprehensive backdoor capabilities. In addition, we found that the threat actor employed both Windows and Linux versions of XDealer to target different systems.

The DinodasRAT Linux implant was mainly employed in attacks against Red Hat-based distributions and Ubuntu Linux. Once executed, the malware creates a hidden file in the same directory as the executable, following the format “.[executable_name].mu”.

The malware establishes persistence on the host by using SystemV or SystemD startup scripts. The backdoor gathers information about the infected machine and sends it to the C2 server.

Both Linux and Windows versions of DinodasRAT communicates with the C2 over TCP or UDP. The C2 domain is hard-coded into the binary.


The researchers noticed that unlike other RAT, the attackers do not collect any user-specific data to generate this UID. The UID typically includes the date of infection, MD5 hash of the dmidecode command output (a detailed report of the infected system’s hardware), randomly generated number as ID, and backdoor version.

Below is the list of commands supported by the backdoor:

ID Function Command
0x02 DirClass List the directory content.
0x03 DelDir Delete directory.
0x05 UpLoadFile Upload a file to the C2.
0x06 StopDownLoadFile Stop file upload.
0x08 DownLoadFile Download remote file to system.
0x09 StopDownFile Stop file download.
0x0E DealChgIp Change C2 remote address.
0x0F CheckUserLogin Check logged-in users.
0x11 EnumProcess Enumerate running processes.
0x12 StopProcess Kill a running process.
0x13 EnumService Use chkconfig and enumerate all available services.
0x14 ControlService Control an available service. If 1 is passed as an argument, it will start a service, 0 will stop it, while 2 will stop and delete the service.
0x18 DealExShell Execute shell command and send its output to C2.
0x19 ExecuteFile Execute a specified file path in a separate thread.
0x1A DealProxy Proxy C2 communication through a remote proxy.
0x1B StartShell Drop a shell for the threat actor to interact with.
0x1C ReRestartShell Restart the previously mentioned shell.
0x1D StopShell Stop the execution of the current shell.
0x1E WriteShell Write commands into the current shell or create one if necessary.
0x27 DealFile Download and set up a new version of the implant.
0x28 DealLocalProxy Send “ok”.
0x2B ConnectCtl Control connection type.
0x2C ProxyCtl Control proxy type.
0x2D Trans_mode Set or get file transfer mode (TCP/UDP).
0x2E Uninstall Uninstall the implant and delete any artifacts from the system.

The Linux version of DinodasRAT uses Pidgin’s libqq qq_crypt library functions for encryption and decryption of data. The library uses the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) in CBC mode to cipher and decipher the data.

“They do not collect user information to manage infections. Instead, hardware-specific information is collected and used to generate a UID, demonstrating that DinodasRAT’s primary use case is to gain and maintain access via Linux servers rather than reconnaissance.” concludes the report. “The backdoor is fully functional, granting the operator complete control over the infected machine, enabling data exfiltration and espionage.”

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Linux)

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