German recruiter Pflegia leaks sensitive job seeker info

Pflegia, a German healthcare recruitment platform, has exposed hundreds of thousands of files with sensitive user data such as names, home addresses, and emails.

Scouting for a new career can be stressful. Now imagine that, instead of a new role, you find that your resume data was exposed. That’s what job seekers using Pflegia’s services are dealing with.


The Cybernews research team discovered an open Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud instance, often referred to as a “bucket” in the business, with over 360,000 files. The team deduced that the exposed files belonged to Pflegia.

Pflegia is a German recruitment platform that hires healthcare professionals for hospitals, nursing homes, outpatient services, and intensive care.

We’ve reached out to Pflegia to disclose the issue. While the company did not reply, the exposed server was quickly closed to the public. We contacted the company for comment but have not received a reply before publishing this article.

What kind of Pflegia user data was exposed?

The exposed AWS bucket held hundreds of thousands of files with sensitive information. Most of the files were user-submitted resumes with details such as:

  • Full names
  • Dates of birth
  • Occupation history
  • Home addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses

If you want to know about potential risks resulting from data leak give a look at the original post at

About the author: Vilius Petkauskas, Senior Journalist at CyberNews

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Secure Client)

The post German recruiter Pflegia leaks sensitive job seeker info appeared first on Security Affairs.

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