Security Affairs newsletter Round 395

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! Every week the best security articles from Security Affairs free for you in your email box.

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Data from 5.4M Twitter users obtained from multiple threat actors and combined with data from other breaches
Devices from Dell, HP, and Lenovo used outdated OpenSSL versions
Google fixed the eighth actively exploited #Chrome #zeroday this year
Experts investigate WhatsApp data leak: 500M user records for sale
An international police operation dismantled the spoofing service iSpoof
UK urges to disconnect Chinese security cameras in government buildings
RansomExx Ransomware upgrades to Rust programming language
An aggressive malware campaign targets US-based companies with Qakbot to deliver Black Basta Ransomware
Threat actors exploit discontinues Boa web servers to target critical infrastructure
Pro-Russian group Killnet claims responsibility for DDoS attack that has taken down the European Parliament site
Ducktail information stealer continues to evolve
Experts claim that iPhone’s analytics data is not anonymous
Microsoft releases out-of-band update to fix Kerberos auth issues caused by a patch for CVE-2022-37966
Exclusive – Quantum Locker lands in the Cloud
5 API Vulnerabilities That Get Exploited by Criminals
Researcher warns that Cisco Secure Email Gateways can easily be circumvented
Aurora Stealer Malware is becoming a prominent threat in the cybercrime ecosystem
Two Estonian citizens arrested in $575M cryptocurrency fraud scheme
Emotet is back and delivers payloads like IcedID and Bumblebee
Expert published PoC exploit code for macOS sandbox escape flaw
Google won a lawsuit against the Glupteba botnet operators
Google provides rules to detect tens of cracked versions of Cobalt Strike
Octocrypt, Alice, and AXLocker Ransomware, new threats in the wild
PoC exploit code for ProxyNotShell Microsoft Exchange bugs released online

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try { window._mNHandle.queue.push(function (){ window._mNDetails.loadTag(“816788371”, “300×250”, “816788371”); }); } catch (error) {}

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, newsletter)

The post Security Affairs newsletter Round 395 appeared first on Security Affairs.

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