LockBit ransomware attack impacted production in a Mexican Foxconn plant

LockBit ransomware gang claimed responsibility for an attack against the electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn that impacted production in Mexico

The electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn confirmed that its production plant in Tijuana (Mexico) has been impacted by a ransomware attack in late May. The LockBit ransomware gang claimed responsibility for an attack and announced that it will release the stolen data by 11 June, 2022 18:01:00 if the company will not pay the ransom.

Foxconn Lockbit ransomware

The production plant is in a strategic geographic position for the reception and distribution of materials because it is located on the border with San Diego.

The company said the operations at its production plant are slowly returning to normal after the attack. 

“The company’s cybersecurity team has been carrying out the recovery plan accordingly. The factory is gradually returning to normal,” a Foxconn spokesperson said. “The disruption caused to business operations will be handled through production capacity adjustment. The cybersecurity attack is estimated to have little impact on the Group’s overall operations. Relevant information about the incident is also provided instantly to our management, clients, and suppliers.”

At this time the amount of the ransom asked by Lockbit to the company is still unclear.

This is the second this that a Foxconn plant in Mexico was impacted by a ransomware attack, in 2020 the DoppelPaymer hit the plant in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, and demanded a $34 million ransom.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Foxconn)

The post LockBit ransomware attack impacted production in a Mexican Foxconn plant appeared first on Security Affairs.

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